
Thursday, 4 June 2015

The dining room table and all four chairs were loaded with boxes. There was not a square inch on the table to place a plate with a meal nor anywhere to sit. In my effort to cook ( remember I did not have a stove),   I bought a cooking device which consisted of a dome that covered an element.  The infomercial promised  it would  cook things increadable well, in fact I don't know why everyone wouldn't have this cooking device it is so good.  This cooking device was one of the things that found a permanent home on the table. Inside this cooker was a layer of solidified fat that had been rendered from a buffalo roast. The Buffalo roast was not a special cut of beef but in fact meat from a buffalo. I was told by the owner of the buffalo farm that it was the leanest meat that a person could buy. Cooking this roast with my new cooking device however resulted in a hard as a rock roast along with the one inch layer of solidified fat relating on the bottom.  That sat on my dining table for years.

The dining room floor was covered with boxes except for a cleared path that lead from the kitchen to the hallway.  As I walked through this pathway past the boxes, mice would jump from box to box like a water fountain that squirted water from bowl to bowl.  Along the wall  was an ironing board that could not not be used because it was covered with items. Even if I cleared the surface of the ironing board, it was dirty and would leave stains on my clothes where pressed with an iron.

So now on to the hallway wich lead to two bedrooms, the bathroom and the living room.

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